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What Makes People Overcome COVID-19 Pandemic?: Vulnerable or tolerable characteristics


This study tried to explore the coping capacity to the pandemic crisis of COVID-19 which had been spreaded in KOREA from Jan. 2020. It was anticipated that the frequencies of both negative and positive psychological responses induced from the pandemic crisis would be varied by three moderators; the psychological sense of community, beliefs on social responsibility, and self-as-entertainment capacity[i.e., SAE]. The 302 undergraduates data were collected with Google web survey method. The results could be summarized into two points; first, the significant influential path of the pandemic crisis from COVID-19 on the negative psychological response has been more facilitated by the helplessness factor of SAE. The facilitating moderate effect was more in the female sample and the sample with higher crisis of COVID-19. Second, the positive effect of the pandemic crisis has been facilitated by beliefs on social responsibility. And the facilitating moderate effect was significantly greater in the female sample. The results imply that the different people who are vulnerable or tolerable to the pandemic crisis may have different psychological characteristics such as helplessness or social responsibility. In conclusion, it was discussed on the implications of the results and future study issues.

COVID-19, Leisure Constraints, Psychological Sense of Community, Social Responsibility, SAE (self-as-entertainment capacity), Positive/Negative Psychological Responses, etc.



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