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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
This research is to examine what differences are occurred the make-up image which one feel by the age. Therefore, we would like to give helpful information about efficient marketing to the cosmetic market and to understand the customer's desire who are using cosmetics. For this positive research, the questionnaires were distributed at random from in their 10's to in their 50's women who resided in Seoul and Gyeonggi area. The period of this research was followed from Aug. 20 through Aug. 31, 2001 and the data analysis was carried out a frequency analysis, a percentage, a factor analysis, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), univariate analysis of variance(ANOVA), a trend analysis. The conclusion is as below. In the make-up image, there were a difference to the nobility and courtesy by the age, but there were little difference to the refinement and personality. Also the nobility was increased wild range with age and the courtesy was decreased wild range with age.
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