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메뉴The gonadosomatic index (GSI), oogenesis and reproductive cycle in female Neptunea (Barbitonia) afhritica cumingii were investigated by light and electron microscope observations. In the early vitellogenic oocyte, the Golgi complex and mitochondria were involved in the formation of glycogen, lipid droplets and yolk granules. Late in the vitellogenic oocytes, the rough endoplasmic reticulum and multivesicular bodies were involved in the formation of proteid yolk granules in cytoplasm. In particular, compared with the results of other gastropods, it showed a different result that appearances of cortical granules at the cortical layer and microvilli on the vitelline envelope, which is associated with heterosynthetic vitellogenesis, were not observed in vitellogenic oocytes during oogenesis. A mature yolk granule was composed of three components: main body (central core), superficial layer, and the limiting membrane. Monthly changes in the gonadosomatic index in females studied in 2004 and 2005 were closely associated with ovarian developmental phases. Spawning occurred between May and August in 2004 and 2005 and the main spawning occurred between June and July when the seawater temperature rose to approximately <TEX>$18-23^{\circ}C$</TEX>. The female reproductive cycle can be classified into five successive stages: early active stage (September to October), late active stage (November to February), ripe stage (February to June), partially spawned stage (May to August), and recovery stage (June to August).
2005년 1월부터 12월까지 충청남도 서천군 비인만 앞바다 조간대에서 채집된 큰구슬우렁이를 대상으로 생식소중량지수 (GSI), 난자형성 중 난황형성과정 및 생식주기를 세포, 조직학적 관찰과 형태측정 자료에 의해 조사하였다. GSI의 월별 변화는 생식소발달과 유사한 양상을 보였다. 초기 난황형성 단계 난모세포에서 골지체와 미토콘드리아가 지방적 및 난황과립의 형성에 관여되었다. 후기 난황형성 단계의 난모세포에서 조면소포체와 다포체가 세포질 내에서 단백질성 난황과립에 관여 하였다. 성숙 난황과립은 주소체 (중앙중심), 가장 자리에 표면층, 그리고 이들을 둘러싼 한계막의 3 가지 성분으로 구성되어 있다. 산란기는 6월 초-8월 말 사이 이었고, 주산란은 수온이 19℃ 이상인 7-8월에 일어났다 암컷의 생식주기는 초기 활성기 (12-2월), 후기 활성기 (2-3월), 완숙기 (4-7월), 산란기 (6-8월), 회복기 (8-11월)의 연속적인 5 단계로 구분되었다. 완숙난모세포의 크기는 직경이 250-270 μm이었다.감사의 말씀이 논문은 군산대학교 수산과학연수소 학술연구 지원지금(2005년도) 의 일부에 의해 연구된 것입니다.
Received April 6, 2006; Accepted May 27, 2006Corresponding author: Chung, Ee-Yung Tel: +82 (63) 469-4592 e-mail: The Malacological Society of KoreaGonadosomatic index (GSI), oogenesis and reproductive cycle of Glossaulax didyma were investigated by the cytological histological obserbations and morphometric data. Samples were collected monthly from the intertidal zone of Biin Bay, Seocheon, Korea, for one year. Monthly variations in the GSI showed similar patterns with gonadal development. In the early vitellogenic oocyte, the Golgi complex and mitochondria were invovled in the formation of lipid droplet and yolk precursor. In the late vitellogenic oocytes, the rough endoplasmic reticulum and multivesicular bodies were involved in the formation of proteid yolk granules in the cytoplasm. A mature yolk granule was composed of three components: main body (central core), superficial layer, and the limiting membrane. The spawning season was from early June to late August, and the main spawning occurred between July and August when the seawater temperature was above 19℃. The female reproductive cycle can be classified into five successive stages: early active stage (December to February), late active stage (February to March), ripe stage (April to July), spawning stage (June to August), recovery stage (August to November). Fully mature oocytes were approximately 250-270 μm in diameter.
Morphological differences were studied using the analysis of variance between various partial length and shell length of three populations of Saxidomus purpuratus on the Korean waters. The Relative growth equations, that is, SH-SL, SW-SL, TW-SL of S. purpuratus by sex were estimated. The analysis of variance of four morphological characters proved that each population has no sexual differences (p>0.01). But the three populations are significantly different in morphological characters (p<0.01).
2005년 1월부터 12월까지 서해안 김제군 심포 앞바다에서 채집된 대맛조개, Solen grandis를 대상으로 생식소 발달 단계에 따른 생식주기를 조직학적 관찰에 의해 조사하였고, 폐각근, 내장낭, 족부근육, 외투막의 생화학적 함량 변화를 생화학적 분석에 의해 조사하였다. 본 종의 생식주기는 초기 활성기(12-1월), 후기 활성기 (1-3월), 완숙기 (3-7월), 부분산란기(6-7월), 퇴화 및 비활성기(7-12월) 의 연속적인 5단계로 구분되었다. 총단백질 함량은 족부근육에서 가장 높았으며, 족부근육 내의 총단백질 함량은 1월 (초기활성기) 에 높았고, 4월(완숙기)에 최소값을 나타내었으며, 8월 (부분산란기) 에 가장 높았다. 내장낭 내의 총단백질 함량은 2월 (후기활성기) 에 증가되기 시작하여 3월 (완숙기) 에 최대를 이룬 후, 6월과 7월 (부분산란기) 에 점진적으로 감소되었다. 내장낭과 외투막 사이의 총단백질 함량에는 강한 음 (-) 의 상관관계를 타나내었다(r = -0.594, p = 0.042). 그러나 폐각근과 족부근육 사이에는 양 (+) 의 상관관계를 보였으나 통계적으로 유의하지 않았다 (r = 0.507, p = 0.093). 총지질 함량은 내장낭에서 가장 높았다: 폐각근, 족부근육, 외투막 내 총지질 함량보다 2-5배 더 많았다. 총지질 함량의 월별 변화는 내장낭 내에서 가장 크게 변하였는데, 1월과 2월 사이에 비교적 높았고, 3월 (완숙기)에 최대에 이른 다음, 4-7월 (완숙기 및 부분산란기) 에 급격하게 감소되었으며, 9-12월 (퇴화 및 비활성기) 에 점진적으로 다시 증가되었다. 족부근육과 폐각근 사이의 총지질 함량 변화는 강한 양 (+) 의 상관관계를 나타내었다 (r = 0.639, p = 0.025). 비록 내장방과 외투막 사이의 총지질 함량 변화가 음(-)의 상관관계 을 보였어도 (r = -0.392), 통계적으로 유의하지 않았다 (p = 0.208). 글리코겐 함량 변화는 비교적 좁은 범위 내에서 변하였으며, 다른 조직들 간에도 유사하였다. 다른 조직들 내의 글리코겐 함량 변화는 통계적으로 유의하지 않았다.
We investigated the reproductive cycle with gonad developmental phases of Solen grandis by histological observations. Seasonal changes in biochemical components of the adductor muscle, visceral mass, foot muscle and mantle were studied by biochemical analysis, from January to December, 2005. The reproductive cycle of this species can be classified into five successive stages: early active stage (December to January), late active stage (January to March), ripe stage (March to July), partially spawned stage (June to July) and spent/inactive stage (July to December). Total protein content was the highest in the foot muscle, the content was high in January (early active stage), the lowest in April (ripe stage), and was the highest in August (partially spawned stage). In the visceral mass, total protein content began to increase in February (late active stage) and reached a maximum in March (ripe stage). Thereafter, it gradually decreased between June and July (partially spawned stage). There was a strong negative correlation in total protein contents between visceral mass and mantle (r = -0.594, p = 0.042). Meanwhile there was a positive correlation between the adductor muscle and foot muscle, the correlation was not statistically significant (r = 0.507, p = 0.093). Total lipid content was the highest in the visceral mass; it was more than 2 to 5-fold higher than that in the adductor muscle, foot muscle, and mantle. Monthly changes in total lipid content were also most dynamic in the visceral mass. It was relatively higher between January and February, showed a maximum in March (the ripe stage), decreased rapidly from April to July (ripe and partially spawned stage), and gradually decreased from September to December (spent/inactive stage). There was a strong positive correlation in total lipid content between foot muscle and adductor muscle (r = 0.639, p = 0.025). Tthough a negative correlation was found between visceral mass and mantle (r = -0.392), the correlation was not statistically significant (p = 0.208). Glycogen contents changed within relatively narrow range and were similar among different tissues. There was no statistically significant correlation in glycogen contents among tissues.
Ultrastructure of germ cell differentiation during supermatogenesis and the reproductive cycle in male Patinopecten yessoensis was studied by histological and cytological observations. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) in males rapidly increased and reached a maximum in April when seawater temperature gradually increased. Then the GSI gradually decreased from May through July when spawning occurred. Accordingly, monthly changes in the GSI in males coincided with testicular maturation and spawning periods. The sperm morphology of P. yessoensis belongs to the primitive type and showed general characteristics of external fertilization species. The head of the spermatozoon is approximately <TEX>$3.50{\mu}m$</TEX> in length: the sperm nucleus and acrosome are approximately <TEX>$2.90{\mu}m\;and\;0.60{\mu}m$</TEX> in length, respectively. The nuclear type of the spermatozoon is vase in shape, and the acrosome is cone type. The axoneme of the tail flagellum consists of nine pairs of microtubules at the periphery and a pair of central microtubules in the center The satellite body (which is formed by the centriole) and four mitochondria appear in the middle piece of the spermatozoon. The spawning period was from April through July and the main spawning occurred from May to June when seawater temperatures gradually increased. The reproductive cycle of this species can be classified into five successive stages; early active stage (September to November), late active stage (October to March), ripe stage (February to August), spawning stage (April to July), and spent/inactive stage (July to November).
Oogenesis and the reproductive cycle in female Ruditapes philippinarum were investigated by cytological and histological observations. R. philippinarum is dioecious and oviparous. During vitellogenesis, the Golgi complex, glycogen particles and mitochondria were involved in the formation of lipid droplets and lipid granules in the cytoplasm of the early vitellogenic oocyte. In the late vitellogenic oocyte, cortical granules, the endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria were involved in the formation of proteid yolk granules in the cytoplasm. At this time, exogenous lipid granular substance and glycogen particles in the germinal epithelium passed into the oocyte through the microvilli of the vitelline envelope. The spawning period was once a year between early June and early October, and the main spawning occurred between July and August when seawater temperature was approximately <TEX>$20^{\circ}C$</TEX>. The reproductive cycle of this species can be categorized into five successive stages: early active stage (January to March), late active stage (February to May), ripe stage (April to August), partially spawned stage (May to October), and spent/inactive stage (August to February). Percentages of female clams at frst sexual maturity of 15.1-20.0 mm in shell length were 52.6% (50% of the rate of group maturity was 17.83 mm in length), and 100% for the clams > 25.1 mm.
Oogenesis and the reproductive cycle in female Ruditapes philippinarum were investigated by cytological and histological observations. R. philippinarum is dioecious and oviparous. During vitellogenesis, the Golgi complex, glycogen particles and mitochondria were involved in the formation of lipid droplets and lipid granules in the cytoplasm of the early vitellogenic oocyte. In the late vitellogenic oocyte, cortical granules, the endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria were involved in the formation of proteid yolk granules in the cytoplasm. At this time, exogenous lipid granular substance and glycogen particles in the germinal epithelium passed into the oocyte through the microvilli of the vitelline envelope. The spawning period was once a year between early June and early October, and the main spawning occurred between July and August when seawater temperature was approximately <TEX>$20^{\circ}C$</TEX>. The reproductive cycle of this species can be categorized into five successive stages: early active stage (January to March), late active stage (February to May), ripe stage (April to August), partially spawned stage (May to October), and spent/inactive stage (August to February). Percentages of female clams at frst sexual maturity of 15.1-20.0 mm in shell length were 52.6% (50% of the rate of group maturity was 17.83 mm in length), and 100% for the clams > 25.1 mm.
A list of species of bivalve mollusks, their local distributions and relative abundance in Yeongil Bay were analysed. Species richness ranging from 1 to 37 species was low (less than 10) in some stations at the entrance and in the central part of the bay. Fifteen species (Acila insignis, Nucula tenuis, Yoldia notabilis, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Arca boucardi, Axinopsida subquadrata, Felaniella usta, Mactra chinensis, Raeta pulchella, Nitidotellina hokkaidoensis, Theora fragilis, Alvenius ojianus, Callithaca adamsi, Ruditapes philippinarum and Laternula anatina) were most frequently encountered, and seven of them were most abundant numerically (per sample): Th. fragilis in the inner bay, A. insignis, N. tenuis, and A. ojianus in the outer bay, and C. adamsi, A. subquadrata, R. puichella in both parts. Local distributions of common species were described and presented in plotted data, and three distribution patterns were recognized. Biogeographical analysis shows that a majority of species (55%) belongs to the subtropical group, tropical-subtropical species (16%) play a relatively significant role, and the percentage of boreal (temperate) and boreal-arctic species is 18% which characterizes the whole fauna as subtropical. Zonal-biogeographical composition and number of species in families in Yeongil Bay are compared with those of some Japanese (Wakasa and Mutsu) and Russian (Peter the Great, Possjet and Amursky) bays of the East Sea. The absence of a number of typical warm-water embaymental mollusks in Yeongil Bay found in the north further East Sea and Japan, and the similar zonal-biogeographical structure of the inner and outer bay faunas are explained by active water exchange due to the openness of the bay, relatively low summer temperatures, and presence of upwelled cold waters.
A list of species of bivalve mollusks, their local distributions and relative abundance in Yeongil Bay were analysed. Species richness ranging from 1 to 37 species was low (less than 10) in some stations at the entrance and in the central part of the bay. Fifteen species (Acila insignis, Nucula tenuis, Yoldia notabilis, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Arca boucardi, Axinopsida subquadrata, Felaniella usta, Mactra chinensis, Raeta pulchella, Nitidotellina hokkaidoensis, Theora fragilis, Alvenius ojianus, Callithaca adamsi, Ruditapes philippinarum and Laternula anatina) were most frequently encountered, and seven of them were most abundant numerically (per sample): Th. fragilis in the inner bay, A. insignis, N. tenuis, and A. ojianus in the outer bay, and C. adamsi, A. subquadrata, R. puichella in both parts. Local distributions of common species were described and presented in plotted data, and three distribution patterns were recognized. Biogeographical analysis shows that a majority of species (55%) belongs to the subtropical group, tropical-subtropical species (16%) play a relatively significant role, and the percentage of boreal (temperate) and boreal-arctic species is 18% which characterizes the whole fauna as subtropical. Zonal-biogeographical composition and number of species in families in Yeongil Bay are compared with those of some Japanese (Wakasa and Mutsu) and Russian (Peter the Great, Possjet and Amursky) bays of the East Sea. The absence of a number of typical warm-water embaymental mollusks in Yeongil Bay found in the north further East Sea and Japan, and the similar zonal-biogeographical structure of the inner and outer bay faunas are explained by active water exchange due to the openness of the bay, relatively low summer temperatures, and presence of upwelled cold waters.
본 연구에서는 남극삿갓조개 (Nacella concinna) 의 장 (intestine) 의 중금속 농축에 관하여 알아보고자 카드뮴 노출실험을 실시한 후 중금속에 노출 시 동물체내에서 유도되는 단백질 중의 하나인 metallothionein을 면역조직화학적 방법으로 추적하고 투과전자현미경 (transmission electron microscope) 을 이용하여 세포의 미세구조의 변화를 알아보았다. 더불어 SEM-EDS 장비를 이용한 원소분석을 통해 중금속의 분포를 알아보아 중금속의 축적 및 해독기작에 대한 기초자료를 얻고자 수행되었다. Metallothionein의 분포를 살펴보기 위하여 면역조직화학적 실험이 수행된 바, 중금속이 농축되고 있는 삿갓조개의 장상피세포의 첨단부에 metallothionein이 많이 존재하고 있음을 알 수 있었으며, 미세구조 관찰결과 노출시간이 경과함에 따라 핵막의 팽창, whorl 구조의 출현, 핵 내 봉입체를 관찰할 수 있었다. SEM-EDS 관찰결과 카드뮴 노출결과, 황이 급격하게 줄어들었고, 칼슘과 아연이 상대적으로 증가하는 양상을 관찰 할 수 있었다. 이상에서와 같이 Cd 노출의 정도에 따라 비교적 빠른 세포반응을 보이는 남극삿갓조개의 특징은 자연 상태에서 Cd의 노출에 따른 효과적인 생물 지표종으로서 가치가 있는 것으로 사료된다.감사의 말씀본 연구과제는 2002학년도 순천향대학교 학술연구조성비 교내연구과제 및 한국해양연구원 남극기본연구활동지원 사업의 위탁과제 연구비로 수행되었습니다.
Immunohistochemical and ultrastuructural experi- ments were conducted to find out heavy metal accumulation in the intestine of an Antarctic gastropod Nacella concinna. According to the immuno- histochemical experiment the apical cytoplasm of the intestinal epithelium showed positive reactions to anti-MT (metallothionein), indicating the presence of MT, a metal-binding protein involved in metal detoxifying process. In the transmission electron microscopic observations, the epithelial cells of the intestine exposed to Cd for over three hours showed irregular nuclear membranes, secretory granules, and probable metal granules. According to the SEM-EDS experiments on the intestine, concentration of Pb in the apical epithelium was in inverse proportion to that in the intestinal lumen. After exposing to Cd for over three days, S was rapidly reduced. Ca and Zn were rapidly increased after exposure to Cd. These elements are supposed to be concerned with the MT-reaction in the intestine. Taken together, these data suggest that N. concinna could be used as a potential biomarker species.