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메뉴ISSN : 1225-3480
말백합의 채란․채정 후 경과시간에 따른 D형 유생의 수정률과 발생률은 채란․채정 직후 수정한 것이 가장 좋았으며, 1시간 이후부터는 수정률과 발생률이 급격히 감소하였다. 수정란의 적정 발생수온은 25-27℃였으며, 33℃에서는 정상적으로발생되지 않았다. 수정란에서 D형 유생까지 발생 소요시간은20℃에서 37시간 15분, 25℃에서 20시간 50분, 30℃에서 15시간 20분이었다. 초기 발생에 있어 난발생이 정지하는 생물학적 영도는 평균 12.4℃로 나타났다. 수정란이 D형 유생으로발생 가능한 염분은 20.0-37.5 psu, 적정염분은 27.5-32.5psu이었다. 수정란의 수용밀도는 사육수 1 mL당 40개 이하에서 발생률이 높았다.
This study was performed to describe the effect of water temperature, salinity and density on the eggs development of the hard clam, Meretrix petechialis. Eggs of Meretrix petechialis were turned out to be demersal isolated eggs of 82.3-86.1 μm in an average diameter after spawning. The hatching of D-shaped larvae by elapsed time after spawning was the highest in fertilization immediately after spawning and distinguished decrease from 1 hour of spawning. The optimum water temperature for development of D-shaped larvae from fertilization was ranged between 25-27℃. However, D-shaped larvae was not developed at 33℃ of water temperature. The required time from fertilization to D-shaped larvae were 37.3 hours in 20℃, 20.8 hours in 25℃, and 15.3 hours in 30℃. Biological minimum temperature for the egg development was estimated to be 12.4℃ in average. The range of salinity for the development of eggs were 20.0-37.5 psu, optimum range was estimated to be 27.5-32.5 psu.
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