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메뉴ISSN : 1225-3480
The purpose of this study is to investigate distribution pattern and variation of mollusca species in the rocky intertidal zone of the mid-western coast of Korea from July 2016 to May 2017. Five stations determined at Seocheon, Gunsan and Buan in the mid-western coast were divided into high, middle, and low sections, and sampling was conducted using a quadrate of 50 cm × 50 cm (0.25 m2). Each station was photographed with a camera and quantitative investigation was conducted based on the photographic data. A number of 16 mollusca species occurred during the investigation period. The mean density was 530 ind./m2 and the mean biomass was 141.42 gWWt/m2. The major density dominant species were a Reishia clavigera, Cellana toreuma, Nerita japonica, Littorina brevicula. Cluster analysis results by density data indicated 3 groups. The A group consisted of the St. 2, the B group consisted of the St. 1 and St. 3, and C group consisted of St. 4 and St. 5. Among the species that contributed to the similarity of each group, A group was Littorina brevicula and Crassostrea gigas, B group was Littorina brevicula and Reishia clavigera, C group was Reishia clavigera and Cellana toreuma.
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