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ACOMS+ 및 학술지 리포지터리 설명회

  • 한국과학기술정보연구원(KISTI) 서울분원 대회의실(별관 3층)
  • 2024년 07월 03일(수) 13:30


  • P-ISSN3059-0604
  • E-ISSN3059-1309
  • KCI
Ko, Jung Mi(Department of Mathematics, Gangneung-Wonju National University) ; Kim, Yong Chan(Department of Mathematics, Gangneung-Wonju National University) ; Song, Seok Zun(Department of Mathematics, Jeju National University) pp.105-112 https://doi.org/10.7468/jksmeb.2014.21.2.105


The notion of intersection-soft ideal of CI-algebras is introduced, and related properties are investigated. A characterization of an intersection-soft ideal is provided, and a new intersection-soft ideal from the old one is established.

Jeon, Young Ju(Department of Mathematics Education, ChonBuk National University) ; Kim, ChangIl(Department of Mathematics Education, Dankook University) pp.113-120 https://doi.org/10.7468/jksmeb.2014.21.2.113


In this paper, we first show that for any space X, there is a <TEX>${\sigma}$</TEX>-complete Boolean subalgebra of <TEX>$\mathcal{R}$</TEX>(X) and that the subspace {<TEX>${\alpha}{\mid}{\alpha}$</TEX> is a fixed <TEX>${\sigma}Z(X)^{\sharp}$</TEX>-ultrafilter} of the Stone-space <TEX>$S(Z({\Lambda}_X)^{\sharp})$</TEX> is the minimal basically disconnected cover of X. Using this, we will show that for any countably locally weakly Lindel<TEX>$\ddot{o}$</TEX>f space X, the set {<TEX>$M{\mid}M$</TEX> is a <TEX>${\sigma}$</TEX>-complete Boolean subalgebra of <TEX>$\mathcal{R}$</TEX>(X) containing <TEX>$Z(X)^{\sharp}$</TEX> and <TEX>$s_M^{-1}(X)$</TEX> is basically disconnected}, when partially ordered by inclusion, becomes a complete lattice.

Beasley, Leroy B.(Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Utah State University) ; Kang, Kyung-Tae(Department of Mathematics, Jeju National University) ; Song, Seok-Zun(Department of Mathematics, Jeju National University) pp.121-128 https://doi.org/10.7468/jksmeb.2014.21.2.121


The Boolean rank of a nonzero m <TEX>$m{\times}n$</TEX> Boolean matrix A is the least integer k such that there are an <TEX>$m{\times}k$</TEX> Boolean matrix B and a <TEX>$k{\times}n$</TEX> Boolean matrix C with A = BC. In 1984, Beasley and Pullman showed that a linear operator preserves the Boolean rank of any Boolean matrix if and only if it preserves Boolean ranks 1 and 2. In this paper, we extend this characterization of linear operators that preserve the Boolean ranks of Boolean matrices. We show that a linear operator preserves all Boolean ranks if and only if it preserves two consecutive Boolean ranks if and only if it strongly preserves a Boolean rank k with <TEX>$1{\leq}k{\leq}min\{m,n\}$</TEX>.

Jeong, Darae(Department of Mathematics, Korea University) ; Kim, Sungki(Department of Mathematics, Korea University) ; Choi, Yongho(Department of Mathematics, Korea University) ; Hwang, Hyeongseok(Department of Financial Engineering, Korea University) ; Kim, Junseok(Department of Mathematics, Korea University) pp.129-139 https://doi.org/10.7468/jksmeb.2014.21.2.129


In this paper, we present a detailed comparison of the performance of the numerical solvers such as the biconjugate gradient stabilized, operator splitting, and multigrid methods for solving the two-dimensional Black-Scholes equation. The equation is discretized by the finite difference method. The computational results demonstrate that the operator splitting method is fastest among these solvers with the same level of accuracy.

Qi, Feng(College of Mathematics, Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities) ; Zhang, Xiao-Jing(The 59th Middle School) pp.141-145 https://doi.org/10.7468/jksmeb.2014.21.2.141


In the paper, by directly verifying an inequality which gives a lower bound for the first order modified Bessel function of the first kind, the authors supply a new proof for the complete monotonicity of a difference between the exponential function <TEX>$e^{1/t}$</TEX> and the trigamma function <TEX>${\psi}^{\prime}(t)$</TEX> on (0, <TEX>${\infty}$</TEX>).
