The present study examined the relationship of the sense of social connectedness, autonomy to college adjustment and subjective well-being among college students. The sense of social connectedness and autonomy were assumed as one of fundamental human needs, which seemed more important during college life. In testing the structural model, the variable of interpersonal problem was assumed to become mediator in relation of the sense of social connectedness and autonomy to college adjustment and subjective well-being. That is, those who with a high sense of social connectedness and autonomy would experience lower interpersonal problems than their counterparts, which effect in a higher degree of college adjustment and subjective well-being. As expected, the sense of social connectedness and autonomy showed significant positive effects on the college adjustment and subjective well-being. Also, the interpersonal problem played a partial mediator role in explaining the relationship between the sense of social connectedness and subjective well-being. The present study implied the importance of the sense of social connectedness and autonomy to develop intervention programs for successful adjustment in college.
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