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  • P-ISSN 1225-0163
  • E-ISSN 2288-8985

Formation of Hydrogen Peroxide by the Ozonation of Aqueous Humic Acid

Analytical Science and Technology / Analytical Science and Technology, (P)1225-0163; (E)2288-8985
2000, v.13 no.5, pp.659-665
Kim, Kei Woul
Rhee, Dong Seok
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The changes in <TEX>$UV_{254}$</TEX> and concentrations of <TEX>$H_2O_2$</TEX> formed by ozonation of aqueous humic acid in ozone/high pH, peroxone process and in the presence of radical scavenger, <TEX>$HCO_3{^-}$</TEX> were investigated. This study confirmed that the formation of <TEX>$H_2O_2$</TEX> by ozonation may undergo different reaction pathways compared to those of <TEX>$UV_{254}$</TEX> reduction in the degradation of the humic acid. The concentration of <TEX>$H_2O_2$</TEX> produced by ozonation was found to be increased with decreasing pH of the sample solution due to the higher stability of ozone molecules at acidic conditions. On the while, <TEX>$UV_{254}$</TEX> reduction was found to be higher at alkaline conditions or larger amount of <TEX>$H_2O_2$</TEX> additions as a radical promoter in which the producing of <TEX>${\cdot}OH$</TEX>, <TEX>${\cdot}HO_2$</TEX> radicals can be more favorable. From the results, it has been suggested that the formation of <TEX>$H_2O_2$</TEX> by ozonation depends mainly on the direct reactions of ozone with humic acid molecules, while <TEX>$UV_{254}$</TEX> reduction is affected by both the indirect reactions of the radicals and direct reactions of ozone with humic acid.

humic acid, ozonation, formation of hydrogen peroxide, <TEX>$UV_{254}$</TEX> removal, reaction pathway

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