- P-ISSN 1225-0163
- E-ISSN 2288-8985
Total PCBs (62 congeners) has been determined in the retailed foods by the isotopic dilution method and the exposure assessment has been performed. Put into a food sample 13C-labeled standard for recovery was added and then it was extracted, cleaned-up by multi-layer column chromatography and then analyzed by HRGC/MS. The average levels (ng/g) detected was 0.1 for rice, 1.8~3.4 for meats, 0.3~3.7 for milk and dairy products, 10.0 for egg and 0.8~34.4 for fishes. Distribution of total PCBs was in order of fishes (94.4%) > meats (2.3%) > eggs (1.7%) > milk and dairy products (1.3%) > rice (0.3%). The estimated daily intake(EDI) was 14 ng/kg bw/day. It was concluded that there was no health risk at all.
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