- P-ISSN 1225-0163
- E-ISSN 2288-8985
An analytical procedure is presented for the quantitative determination of lactose, glucose, and galactose in the hydrolyzate of lactose by <TEX>${\beta}$</TEX>-galactosidase with high-performance liquid chromatography. An Aminex HPX-87C column at <TEX>$85^{\circ}C$</TEX> and refractive index detector were used to resolve lactose, glucose, and galactose in only 12 minutes with distilled and deionized water as a mobile phase. The validity of high-performance liquid chromatography as a method for the assay of <TEX>${\beta}$</TEX>-galactosidase was supported by recovery experiments and comparision of results with those by ONPG method, a spectrophotometric assay. The procedure was appropriate for determination of sugars in the enzyme reaction mixture and could by applied to analysis of <TEX>${\beta}$</TEX>-galactosidase activity.