ISSN : 1738-3188
This thesis pursues to analyze the fantasy and political unconsciousness in digital games. For these purposes, this thesis tries to make clear the form of digital game's fantastic factor from the form of digital games. Digital games create virtual reality which is shown by screen. Digital games would be born between real and unreal like movies. And it exaggerate or reduce the representative object through the change of senses. Especially visual senses and auditory senses would like to be emphasized excessively in digital games. Fantastic conditions will be made by the change of senses. Digital games shows virtual reality by reason of developing digital technologies. The point of view of FPS(First Person Shooting) Genre is the second person description. The second person description has never embodied in another narrative art yet. It's narrative structure has similarity to dreams or somnambulism which infuse second person description to players. But Digital games shows not only the artistic factor that to make the real unfamiliar but also realistic factor. Interactive property of digital games will change the fantasy to the reality. On developing digital games, we cannot produce the tragedy because digital games don't have completed ending. Digital games can be replayed easily whenever the players would like to play. Therefore it can't be impossible to represent the tragedy. Digital games mass-produce the purpose oriented players who are the slave of political unconsciousness of digital games.
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