Kim Rae-sung has also written many stories for Boys from 1937 to being died, even though well-known as a pioneer of mystery stories in Korea under Japanese Colonialism. This article explored the writer's problematic consciousness with analyzing representation of "Sea" main space of several detective stories for boys. It is with adventure for politic-social purpose that White Mast[Baik- Gamyeon] let readers perceive Yellow Sea as the closed sea for stable nation situation under messy international power game in East Asia, published in magazine Boy[Sonyun] at 1937. Gold in Cave[Hwangeum-Gul] actualized desire of imperialism with orphans character to go the open sea to India that described to glory civilized country and barbarous region with view of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, serialized in newspaper Donga-ilbo at 1937. Golden Bat[Hwangeum-Pakjui] has been transformed to "Sea" into legendary space for materializing economic desire in the 1950s, negotiating demands between boy readers and adults.
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