Kim, Nea-Sung interestingly created the character, Yu, Bul-Ran(劉不亂) in his detective novels. Private detective Yu, Bul-Ran whose name was rooted in the name of famous French detective novel's writer "Maurice Leblanc", represents multi identities in many orthodox detective novels of Kim, Nea-Sung. At that time, there was not a private detective in Joseon and this fact made Kim, Nea-Sung not only consider the transcendental detective models depicted in the West detective novels for creating Yu, Bul-Ran, but also regard on the image of a detective being active on the basis of the political condition of that time. Yu, Bul-Ran, therefore, was destined to be born as a hybrid detective from the birth. At first, it seems that Yu, Bul-Ran is similar to Lupin created by Maurice Leblanc, who has the taste of disguise and is fond of loving. Although this identity covered with the image of Lupin would be seen as the most enchanted personality of Yu, Bul-Ran, he is shown as a representative of Japanese Imperialism when he starts to connect the real life of that time. The actual identities on this concept are as follows; Yu, Bul-Ran as a transcendental father for enlightening as well as educating the children of Joseon as a "Good Japanese", and as a subject of pseudo-imperialism who hunts up various spies for embodying the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. Thus, the political reality of Japanese Imperialism Yu, Bul-Ran has, can be proposed as a fundamental cause which pulls his death. As Kim, Nea-Sung breaking with the detective novels after the Independence, Yu, Bul-Ran disappeared from his stories.
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