The culture of young people, mainly in the universities, gradually started to decline in the 1990s unlike 1980's. It's not a matter of choice but inevitable flow. The changes should be accompanied to some extent by other changes of economic and political situation. Youth cultural activists tried hard to find new ways for overcoming the declining tendency. New generation issue entered the stage just at that time. Through the new generation phenomena, youth had changed their identity from the subject of production and protest to the symbol of consumption. In the song of youth culture, progression of these flows was the same. Young people would serve to maintain and expand the social responsibilities through the song. They have created a new song and accepted a new taste of music in the changing times. Furthermore they embraced the consumption of a particular music as the protestant behaviors and a part of cultural construction. In the process, the young people and their songs being on the outside of the university culture in the 1980's have grown up to be the new symbol of youth culture. These new tastes and styles were connected to 1970's.
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