The purpose of this paper is to explain the reason of increasingly ppopular choice for 『Homeland of Stars』. Narrator of this text had a sensitive communication power. Regardless of the manly fantasy for the heroine, Gyeong-a, the communicative narrator caught the reality of the 1970s, aroused sympathy. Especially this text was connected with the Korean Youth-Cultue in the 1970s. The writer selected the 'Love Affairs'. Narrator analyzed the situation of love an the youth culture, comparatively. The sound social norm as the 1960s' tradition was engendered friction with the youth in the 1970s. Heroine and heroes didn't have love affairs because of the love culture genderd difference. Narrator examined these process and reason as a cultural anthropologist. Therefore, this paper tried to explain that the popular choice for 『homland of Star』 was to accept to the insight of narrator.
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