This article has been written with a purpose to examines a method of representation of the memories of the korean War in the literary film of the late 1960s, especially works adapted from comtemporary novels. Especially, this article pays attention to the films adapted from contemporary social-critic novels, <Mist>, <The General's Mustache>, <Her's Way Back>, <Starting Point>. These films make an attempt of new aesthetic when they recall the past to the present through flashback or illusion. In <Mist> and <Starting Point>, The memory of the past encounters with the present. In <The General's Mustache>, the truth of death of a protagonist is exposed through a testimony of people around him. The heroin's husband has been tortured by the memory of the Korean War in <Her's Way Back>. The memory of the past encountering with the present construct sub-plot through a unique visual styles, and this sub-plot constructs multi-layered plots that do not come up to the surface as a main-plot. And, by this style, the memory of the War is able to encounter with the present and be simultaneous. These experiment of style investigate the complex and ambivalent mind of the characters.
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