This research was made to discover how supply of modern Urban Housing was started in Seoul, which was modernized without Industrial Revolution under the Japanese colonial rule, and its social-architectural meaning. The Collective Housing as a modern housing type was developed for production worker in Europe. However in Korea, collective housing was constructed for colonial officials in the first. And in 1930s, Tosi-Hanok and Moonwha-Jutaek was set up for typical housing type of white-collar worker, not for blue-collar worker in Seoul. At the same time, after Manchurian Incident in 1931,Sino-Japanese War in 1937 and Pacific War in 1941 by the colonizer Japan, the colonized Korea was started to be industrialized for the support of war policy. And in 1941,blue-collar worker's housing was constructed to support military logistics industry. These show that the emergence of urban housing and its change in Seoul, unlike the West, rather than changes in the economic system has been subject to political changes. This is important characteristics of Korean urban housing established before World War II. And this characteristics was lasted until after the liberation. Accordingly, if further studies based on this view point continues to collective housing in the main housing types in Korea,it would be very useful to understand the characteristics of Korean Society.
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