ISSN : 1738-3188
A study on historical literature as the proper function of Cheong, Bi-Seok’s writing is total nonexistence. Therefore that is a reason why this study’ purpose is to research his historical texts’ bibliography and arrange different characteristics among them. It is urgent to divide those texts and distinguish them according to their properties. Standing the basis of such that works we can ask a question of a motive that made Cheong, Bi-Seok interest in historical writing. Cheong, Bi-Seok’s historical writing doesn't wander away from Korean historical literature’s tradition which had contended between amusement and didactic. This study intended to verify the fact centering around his reminiscences and epilogues. Not only had he followed Korean historical literature’s tradition, but also constructed his own novelistic form. To sum up such that individual style is one of the tasks of this study.
『飛石文學讀本』, 글벗집, 1955.
『歷史小說 燕山君』, 正音社, 1956.
『韓國野談史譚全集』, 東國文化社, 1960.
『三國志』, 學園獎學會, 1968.
『韓國代表野談全集』, 書正出版社, 1971.
『三國志』, 凱旋門出版社, 1976.
『李朝女人史話』, 正音社, 1976.
『名妓列傳』, 二友出版社, 1977.
『三國志』, 일연각, 1977.
『三國志』, 大賢文化史, 1978.
『三國志』, 고려문화사, 1978.
『退溪小傳』, 退溪學硏究院, 1978.
『閔妃』, 범우사, 1980.
『退溪逸話選』, 退溪學硏究院, 1980.
『名妓列傳』, 信正社, 1981.
『옛날 옛날에 한 女子-옷을 벗은 黃眞伊』, 南鄕文化社, 1982.
『小說 孫子兵法』, 고려원, 1984.
『小說 楚漢誌』, 고려원, 1984-1985.
『三國志』, 고려원, 1985.
『賢婦列傳』, 正音社, 1985.
『小說 閔妃傳』, 고려원, 1987.
『鄭飛石風流小說 小說 김삿갓』, 고려원, 1988-1989.
『鄭飛石名妓列傳 美人別曲』, 고려원, 1989.
『소설 명성황후』, 고려원, 1995.
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『소설 손자병법』, 은행나무, 2002.
『小說 초한지』, 범우사, 2003.
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