ISSN : 1738-3188
Since the 1950's, Park, Whasung's Novels has undergone sevral changes than colonial period. First, their concerns had changed 'class' category into 'nation'. Second, the bases of the class had changed labor․peasant classes into upperclasses. Third, the bases of the generation had changed into new generation. Fourth, the contents of the construction was modernism based on scientific knowledges,and the ways of that was education. Fifth, they didn't hold in realism. They presented not 'negative ways but 'positive' ones. The negation of binary opposition of good/evil showed the asthetics pointing to post modern. The interest of the novel of 1950's had gendered and undergone into the private categories, including family category and sexuality ones.
『고개를 넘으면』,
『벼랑에 피는 꽃』,
『내일의 태양』,
『눈보라의 운하』,
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