ISSN : 1738-3188
This study deals with a serial story in a newspaper which is a mainstay of the Korean literary world in the fifties, after the Korean War broke out on June 25th,1950. This study will deal with three in particular that generally foregrounds the Korean War: Kim Song's <Living for eternity>(<DaeguMaeil>1951.9.1~12.8 published),Park Young Jun's <Valley of Love>(<Daegu Maeil>1952.3.1~7.17 published), Hong Sung Yoo's <There is no tragedy>(<Hankook Ilbo>1957.5.7~12.2 published). Through these, the study will discuss the process of anti-communist ideology becoming the dominating ideology through the arguments of war, and how the connection to the author's consciousness converges into the national implication on the Korean War. The characteristics of newspaper industry that collude with government power cannot help but put newspaper fiction in a direct influential relationship. Considering the special circumstance called a war, and the distinct characteristic of a media called a newspaper, the regulation of the Korean War by the Lee Seung Man regime as a provocation by the North was then perceived as a public opinion, and through the newspaper, must have had a great influence on the development of arguments on war. In these literary works, protagonists with positions of teachers and professors strengthen anti-communist ideology through commentatory editorials and signification of anti-communist ideology. In the midst of calling attention to the public reader's experiences, they induce them to voluntarily come to an agreement. The characteristics as a war literature shown in these three newspaper fictions denounce the unreality and the violence of ideology through war, and share the universality of exposing a person's tragic life sacrificed because of war. The attitude towards war reproduces a dichotomous way of thinking that the North is no longer a part of the Korean race, or a brother of ours, but an enemy based on the responsibility that lays on the provocation of the North, and the puppet government of the North that savaged lives. The character's persuasive editorials and emotional reactions arouse the public reader's anti-communist ideology and make them spread it. The media's characteristic known as the newspaper fiction can be found through the securing of popular appeal and choosing complacent endings, or applying sexually suggestive content, timeliness, etc.
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