ISSN : 1738-3188
<Looking for Jongwook Kim> is the narrative of first love. That has changed to 3 genre (musical, film and novels), and gained popularity. This article focus on character analysis of 'First Love' in <Looking for Jongwook Kim>. First, Research has done for the concept of a reference point from the theory of adjacent areas. And I interpret the love of the audience and the public using the romantic epic of first love, the stage of love and grammar of love. The point of the character analysis squeezed into three main sections. First, to find the love of the heroine 1s 'the space of first love, the way to India', 'losing the love', 'rediscovery of love'. Second. the meaning of a double duty is 'The name, Jongwook Kim', 'Cupid fell in love', 'Jongwook Kim vs Gijun Won’. Third is dramatic role of Muitiman who have 22 kinds of multi-role. This work is the initiation of first love, that from 'finding Jongwook Kim' to the 'forgetting Jongwook Kim'. The work deals the love of the heroine nara Oh who moves back and forth between passion and friendship. JTwo helpers for the completion of that love, Jongwook Kim and Gijun Won have double duty in the musical. And explored the meaning of love in this period. As such, The Writer Yujeong Jang use of the illusion of love and destiny. But she creates new style of love that maded by two people’s choice. This is the core of the author's writing and the grammar of love.
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