In this paper, by the late 1990s, early 2000s, gay novel of the table to note the cultural discourse that has been noted with homosexuality and sexual identity a ‘difference’ you’re considering coming out of a small number of subjects is that the gay community has been highlighted by. These multicultural era not protected by the state law or ‘minority’ is Badiou conceptualized in terms of a ‘stranger’ can be added to . The philosophical basis for contemporary cultural discourse, especially Taylor’s “recognition” on the basis that when the politics of the minority groups ‘recognition’ of Korea is in the process of cultural awareness has been reflected with what appeared in the Korea Society ‘as a homosexuality stranger’ is to determine the identity of the . Many minority and the ‘recognition’ to ‘false’ one may wish to consider Zizek’s resistance to the point of is not the type of subject minorities, homosexuals ‘recognize’ the process ‘pity , disgust, fear’ could be classified as the eye . Pity / disgust , fear = acceptance / rejection of the eye can be considered a wake two minutes , but the eyes ‘gaze fantastic subject’s narcissism ever’ based on the ‘type’ of Zizek in that it recognizes the “false illusion” resistance is red eyes can be come up with . This is because the illusion of narcissism ever subject to switch to ethical ideals abstract universality of violence against others , which soon lead to a discussion of Butler reflects that . Narcissism ever performed by the subject judge and others to recognize themselves in the act to determine the type of the identification process of the subject 's just at this point and kill the otherness of the other murder he says. Thus, by focusing on the logic of the identity of the speaker normal / abnormal dichotomy of the hierarchy by a mechanism of exclusion by the homosexual minority ‘betrayal and overthrow and exile’ in the course of “Pagan, patriarchy as regression instrumentation, the monster as” to note tand that the analysis can be repeated
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