ISSN : 1738-3188
This paper is aimed to analyze the discourse about a diliquent girl in 1960’s Korea. Park’s regime gave cognitive turn to juvenile deliquents from national frame to personal problem. Through the girl’s confession and reflection, the community could re-purify and the girls reclaim their name. This is the public order, or security’s field. Park’s regime produced political spectation about security force, censorship, and sexuality. These were made to enlight people to be modest. But the girls’ autobiography draw a line to escape from this spectation. The nervous, fragile representation of a girl who make troubles come across the public order. The volatile voices do not reflect, but make accusation of their deliquent parents, school, and community. By doing so, the girls have followed the security and the same time, they broke the rule. The image of a girl in shool uniform is the project of Park’s regime. The regime made teenage girls become into a school girl. But there also was a girl who worked so hard to make profit for their family, community, and country. These workers were in the gilrs’ shadow. The Diliquent Girls are over-representation of the (w)hole in the system.
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