ISSN : 1738-3188
This study aims to scrutinize the differences and similarities of text media by analyzing the narrative constitution of the original works and their 1950s' adapted films, which were based on the original. The subject works of study include <Life in Pictures>, <The Beloved>, and <The Star in the Lost Paradise> written by Raesung Kim, <Madam Freedom> written by Beesuk Jung, <The Extreme Love> written by Gyejoo Park, and <The Heart of Flower> written by Ingeun Bang. Those novels became the original resources of films, andthey were tremendously beloved not only as novels but also as its films. Among these movies, only three remain in the form of its film. Thus, as for the works preserved in the film, comparative analysis of the film and its scenario is conducted. Also, when it comes to the other works, through the empirical study and specific analysis, the systematic correlation is examined between the original genre and OSMU(One Source Multi Use) complex contents such as the correlation of motif and the element of popularity. The second investigation is as to its function and role of a popular novel. Among the subject pieces of study, <Madam Freedom> written by Beesuk Jung has been the first OSMU (One Source Multi Use) since the liberation of Korea in 1945, which shows the great value as contents through the text media conversion ranging from a serial novel and a play to a cinema. It consequently has a great effect on the emergence of movies based on the original popular novels. The most important reason for convert popular novels into movies is the popularity, which is an important indicator to understand the desire of the masses and the contemporary culture. The popularity of the original resource novels is concerned with the experience of exotic culture since the Korean Civil War, the desire for consumption, the publishing mechanism of capitalism, and commercialization of the movies. The popular novels since the liberation of Korea overall portray exotic experience through American inundated with films; a dance culture flowing out of the United States Armed Forces stationed since the Korean Civil War; après guerre girls who had to take charge of their domestic economy; the entry of women's workforce into society who were substituted for the men's; women's awareness of gender identity; the change in the notion of love; the fetishistic desire for fortunes. These factors have extremely influenced the conversion from popular novels, the literary text to cinematic text providing extense visual stimulus and have become one of the critical elements and enable OSMU (One Source Multi Use) to be converted into the mass culture contents.
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