ISSN : 1738-3188
This paper argued characteristics of the memory politics on the 1980s, focusing on the problem of the democratization movement and generation subjectivity. I explored the structure of memory politics which cast between state, people and elite-memory- subject by examining the movie <변호인> and <26년> such popular films and the memoirs written by Ryu Si-min and Kim Young-Hwan, Kim Myeong-in and etc.. The official memory of the democratization movement has frame "Awakening - join - struggle - hardships - overcome - win - compensation - formulation - reconciliation". Today, it is confronting against "polarization of politics and ideology". The recognition of the 80s' of the 386(486) generation make aware of themselves as World-historical individuals because of the experience of the rise and downfall. But it continues distorting by their self-centrism.
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