ISSN : 1738-3188
Reply 1994 stimulated nostalgia of its viewers by restoring the scenery of 1990s in details and was a huge success. However, while the past was reorganized with the fantasy about eternal love and passion, and the idealized images of hometown and family, the unique characteristics of the times of 1990s failed to go beyond the level of a background, and the critical mind about the social issues of those times was omitted. On the other hand, the narration whose amount had markedly increased consisted of universal and philosophical contents and seemed to console its viewers, yet disguised itself as the one with privilege recollecting an era. As a result, 1990s retrospected in Respond, 1994 have left among us as if it's the general "correct answer" to remember that period, but eventually it relies on the impaired and partial memories of “the survived.” This soap opera has played such a great role to actively include 1990s into the area for remembrance, but simultaneously, it's been asking the fundamental question of how we should remember 1990s.
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