ISSN : 1738-3188
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the Jajangmyeon motif in the Korea public narrative by focusing on the movie <Almost Che>. This paper especially focused on the way to enjoy 1980s' Korea culture by jajangmyeon. Mr. Kang who delivers Chinese food with a Steel Container speaks nonsense words continuously to Miss Seo who is a female college student. And Miss Seo also speaks nonsense words continuously to Mr. Kang. Their linguistic playfulness is comic caricatures that they can't communicate each other. But their linguistic playfulness shows the power of colloquial language transcending the limits of logical thoughts as the final outcome. Paradoxically, they proved the possibility of communication by their linguistic playfulness. To conclude, <Almost Che> shows the public power that impossibility changes into possibility by Mr. Kang who loves Miss Seo. In the movie, <Almost Che> recalled the strike affair with occupying the American Culture Center in 1985. And <Almost Che> fairly succeeded restoring 1980s' Korean society that has been forgotten by the public now. It revealed the Korean political situation and the anti-American sentiment of Korean university students in 1980s. Although they have been forgotten fast, they are still the important past history.
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