The object of this study was the representative magazine in the 1950s, “YADAM (historical tale)”. “YADAM” published monthly in the form of more than 10 years as a specialized entertainment magazine was highly popular. The lots of factors involved in the such popularity. The goal of this research is to make explanations to both the text of magazine editing configuration and system and mechanism of the content of public consumption. “YADAM” in the 1950s is located in the intersection where the woof on genealogy - “WOLGAN YADAM” and “YADAM” in the 1930s and the longitude on same time-the golden era of public magazines in the 1950s were weaved. This study was both approaches tried to bring light “YADAM”’s media consumption characteristics and the content of public mechanisms. That is a review of the reasons that switch of official and unofficial history to the literature was prevailing in the 1950s and social and cultural impacts that history consumed broadly as entertainment caused through the former times magazine comparison analysis. First, Writing genealogy of a historical tale literature ranging from colonial to a period of 1960s has become possible through this study. Second, in the 1950s magazine journalism and the characteristics necessary to clarify the relationship between substantive things history books have laid the foundation.
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