ISSN : 1738-3188
Oh! While You Were Sleeping consists of a constituent event (nucleus), “the missing of Byeong-Ho Choi” and a supplementary event (catalyst), “the life stories of characters.” Narrative and musical number established by the missing story and the life story gives rise to a twist in the conclusion with the techniques of “concealment” and “bias.” The “life story” intermediates the missing story as a “narrative discourse,” but highlights the aspects of truth, meaning, emotion and intention by creating a single common story through the multiplicity of main characters. “Concealment” in a narrative arouses curiosity and conveys the implied truth, while “bias” in a narrative causes a surprise and conveys the implied meaning. And “concealment” in music offers a pleasant experience and evokes a dramatic emotion, while “bias” in music heightens expectations and delivers intention. This reversal technique based on concealment and bias leads characters to inner growth and contributes to the creation of a bond of sympathy with the audience.
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