The purpose of this paper is in examining the methods and aspects of how the individual engages with the locale or locality, based on the concept of everyday sense of place. The Zhang Lu’s films <Hyazgar>, <Chong-Qing>, <I-Ri>, and <Gyeong-Ju> were used as texts to reveal how the individual is related to the locality during the process of the individual’s everyday place becoming insecure or fantastically reconstructed. Consequently, Zhang Lu hopes for the recovery of intersectionality of the severed everyday place through the image of the individual, who has regressed to the everyday place via a fantastic way, by such an individual welcoming with warm language another individual who has come to grips with his or her class identity and place. Also, his films depend not on something imprinted on the locality but the way the individual enters into a relationship with the locale. If focus is put on how the locale is a fluid concept which changes sizes by hierarchy, each individual produces his or her own locale in accordance with the various definitions and regulations including space made into place, space planned as administrative district, and space as a national enterprise. This study can be said to be about seeking to summon the individual who has been ousted from the place of the main agent, especially the marginal person as the main agents who produce and identify the locality.
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