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  • P-ISSN1738-3188
  • E-ISSN2713-9964

The Vernacularization and Otherization of Independent films in Film Industry

대중서사연구 / 대중서사연구, (P)1738-3188; (E)2713-9964
2016, v.22 no.3, pp.435-466


This essay aims to introduce a study on the US independent films history and evaluate the applicability of this methodology to Korean independent films study. Yannis Tzioumakis’s recent book, Hollywood’s Indies is not only study on the US independent films but also meta-analytic study on the independent films study. Recently the academic interest on independent fims increased. However independent had to undergo scholars’ vastly unconcern. In the meantime, awareness about the independent have been distorted, the book is published in order to refigure the definition of the independent, which plays a key role on examining the historical identity of independent films. In becoming yet another book dedicated to the study of Americam independent films, then, Hollywood’s Indies tells the story of the US specialised films as this was shaped by particular group of hollywood’s major studio ‘speciality’ film divisions from the early 1980s to date. Divided into three sections, the book proposes that there were three distinct waves, which broadly coincide with the emergence fo each of the three dominant expressions of specialty filmmaking in the US: the independent, the indie and indiewood. In examining all the divisions, the book is interested in understanding the US independednt films’ conditions and rationale behind the establishment of such companies by the majors. However the narrow focal point to industrial aspect, futhermore the silence about neo-liberalistic capitalism which backed up the majors’s enterance in independent film market, and regarding US independent films as general makes the provocative and critical problematization of this book ambiguous.

Hollywood's Indie, Yannis Tzioumkis, Independent films, Independent, Indie, Indiewood, Hollywood, Major studio, Vernacularization, Otherization, <할리우드의 인디>, 야니스 치우마키스, 독립영화, 인디펜던트, 인디, 인디우드, 할리우드, 메이저 스튜디오, 토착화, 타자화



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