ISSN : 1738-3188
This study looks at the representational repetitions in the works of Jang Sun-woo's and ero-video films as exemplary cinematic eroticism of the 1990s in South Korea by redefining them as 'transitional films pornographies' and the repetitions as their main trait. Jang's and ero-video films have not only daringly developed South Korean cinematic eroticism, which was quite tenuous in the 1970s and 1980s, by traversing the mainstream and non-mainstream film-scenes as well as high and low arts and popularizing porn, but has also prepared for the 'pornification of everyday life' that characterizes the twenty-first century. What I mean by the 'pornification of everyday life' is not only the ubiquity of the literal porn, namely the adult motion picture but also the turning of our everyday lives into porn in its broadest sense as seen from food porn, political porn, and mob porn. This paper focuses on the repetitions in Jang's To You from Me and Lies as well as an ero-video film, Madame Holstein Cow Is Cheating as the characteristic of the transitional porn.
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