ISSN : 1738-3188
This paper analyzes the popular TV drama The Chaser, which began broadcasting in 2012. This typical “revenge drama” conveys feelings and affects such as rage, anxiety, and victimization that are felt by many contemporary individuals. Furthermore, the show expresses the ideology of neoconservatism whereby it endeavor to overcome the present social crisis via adherence to conservative values. This drama, which depicts the desperate struggle and victory of an ordinary head of the household over a giant structural evil, re-presents the dichotomy of hero versus villain as good-natured but weak individual versus bad and powerful society in an extended critique of individualism. The individual in this drama is a male hero who goes blind with vengeance and turns to violence on account of losing his lovely daughter and wife. While the character shows excessive sentimentality and empathy, he also shows excessive masculinity. The character is no different than the image of the hero as the subject of neoliberal struggle. The character’s motivations for revenge are paternal love and family loyalty. Healing the evil immorality and ignorance of his society requires a devoted and unconditional love for family members. It is even more problematic to justify the violence of the others such as women, weak people, in justification the value of the individual and family. The Chaser can be interpreted as a neoconservative text that promotes the restoration of family principles as a means of overcoming political, economic and moral crises in the wake of a financial crisis.
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