ISSN : 1738-3188
This research aimed to explore popular culture and policy based on "space," and centered on articles on a "post-war city" that were published in the magazine Huimang(Hope). Articles in the magazine that related to various dark spaces inside post-war cities were recalled to establish a discourse on "hope." The magazine Huimang(Hope) defined specific spaces in post-war Seoul as places of "darkness" and "blackness," and connected them with various by-products of wars and pre-modernism to produce a series of discourses that combined other beings that should be removed for reconstruction. The magazine also took advantage of the image of the darkness of a space when describing the dark space inside cities. By reflecting society's negative emotions of "anxiety" and "fear" that had been experienced in post-war irrationality and decadence on the space existing inside cities, the "dark phase" of the cities can be interpreted as a space that should be neglected or eradicated by the public. When it comes to running the emotional policy of the public, a "discourse on security" for dark spaces inside cities, which was published in the magazine, worked effectively. Through this, the legitimacy and necessity of security were effectively connected with the establishment of a discourse on "hope." Meanwhile, the magazine Huimang(Hope) tried to evoke a "modern city" in the imagination about a post-war reconstructed city. Such discourses worked as a mechanism that relieved the people's post-war awareness of a miserable reality in the continuity with a discourse on "hope" and encouraged them to have a hopeful imagination about the future. The magazine Huimang(Hope) tried to maintain its unique characteristics by sharing the geographic features of the media in the 1950s, as well as publishing various articles to establish discourses on "hope." The continuous efforts of the magazine to face the scars of wars through imagining a post-war reconstructed city and to develop a discourse on hope through practical sites where people lived, such as spaces, can be seen as characteristics that contributed to its significance as a public magazine.
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