ISSN : 1738-3188
This study focuses on the characteristic of nationalism which is the paradoxical connection between universalism and specialism, and intends to identify the ideological characteristics of 'the theory of Nationality Reconstruction' in Lee, Kwang-Su through an intrinsic approach. The issues of this study can be summarized in two aspects. First, 'the theory of Nationality Reconstruction' in Lee, Kwang-Su was formed on the basis of "culturalism" of Japanese colonial empire. He insists on eliminating politics and developing ethnic reform movements in a moral wayi in the 'the theory of Nationality Reconstruction'. This argument can be explained by the ideological effect of Taisho Japan's culturalism which is represented by the separation of politics and culture and the privilege of culture. The ideological effect of culturalism led to the perception that he confused the arts and life, mind and power by restricting the purpose of 'nationality reconstruction' in the completion of 'personality', and culture itself could be a valid substitute for politics. Therefore, the issue of historical reality is parenthesized in 'the theory of Nationality Reconstruction'. Second, The principle of practice of 'the theory of Nationality Reconstruction' in Lee, Kwang-Su is ‘Musil’(務實) and ‘Yeoghang’(力行). Those set the goal of life for the individual to grow into a diligent profession in accordance with the spirit of 'self-discipline'. Therefore, those are characterized by the internalization of work ethics and labor ethics. The spirit of self-discipline and internalization of labor ethics are also characteristic of the modern ascetic ethic, and 'the theory of Nationality Reconstruction' in Lee, Kwang-Su is a discourse that embodies modern abstinence ethics. The reason why he was able to suggest the possibility of 'nationality reconstruction' through the principle of ‘Musil’(務實) and ‘Yeoghang’(力行) is that he accepted the metaphysical nature of 'nationality' through acceptance of Gustav Le Bong's 'national psychology'. However, the modern abstinence ethic inherited in Lee, Kwang-Su's 'the theory of Nationality Reconstruction' has the ideological effect of dismissing the reality itself by replacing the problem solving of historical reality with the psychological attitude change of the individual, the artistic reconstruction of life.
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