The purpose of this research is to consider the the style of 'disaster' narrative in the novels written by Kim Joong-hyuk, since 2000. In the novel, disasters are a condition that maximizes conflict among people, who are important components of modern novels. The disaster acts as a background to test the ethical judgment of the characters in the novel. Sometimes the disaster itself becomes a dynamic character and reveals its vitality. That is, it functions as a narrative component. Therefore, this study should focus on the stylistic expression of the disaster. Particularly, Kim Jong-hyuk has done various experiments on disaster. Therefore, this research will explore the process of making a narrative interactively in various novels. So far, novels dealing with disasters have largely dealt with the apocalypse. In contrast, the portrayal of disaster in the novel written by Kim Joong-hyuk is deeply involved with human nature and deals with conflict with the rest of the world. At this time, the disaster is characterized by a monstrous fear. It is a giant plant, glass, earthquake, alien etc. and seem to have a lack of similarity. However, there is a similarity to the non-human world. The study seeks to distinguish between Kim Joong-hyuk's novel's stages of 'disaster onset', 'moments of disaster', and 'disaster aftermath'. Based on this study, we will explore the meaning of "disaster" in novels and examine the mode of disaster and responses to disasters. In his earlier works, Kim Joong-hyuk's novels The City of Glass, Basil, and Zombies present the disaster itself. Now he turns to presenting the human condition of suffering by disaster. The character of the novel is transformed from being solitary to being in a relationship with a lover and a sibling. Such a transformation has already led to the need for human behavior and presence of human beings in the context of a disaster. Kim Joong-hyuk is devoting himself to telling what ethical attitude the human should have in the face of disaster.
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