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  • P-ISSN1738-3188
  • E-ISSN2713-9964

Features of Otome Game’s Narrative System and its Effect—Focusing on Cheritz’s <Nameless>(2013)

대중서사연구 / 대중서사연구, (P)1738-3188; (E)2713-9964
2018, v.24 no.2, pp.237-271


This study examines how the system of ‘Otome Game’ (Dating simulation game for female gamers) generates unusual meanings in typical romance stories. Unlike traditional books on romance, which provide a single story per book, Otome games provide multiple narratives in a single piece of work. The multi-narrative experience encourages the player to read typical romance stories in different ways. A game player usually plays a game repeatedly to match with each of the male characters, so the player can have a date with several men although each story is a love story between one man and one woman. By exposing these experiences which occur outside the computer screen, <Nameless>, a game made by Cheritz, breaks the romantic mood of the ‘true love’ fantasy that most typical romantic stories have. Instead, <Namesless> gives an unfamiliar ending in that the female character does not become a lover with one male character but ends up matching with everyone. This is a reflection for the polygamic relationship that occurs out of the screen between a player and the male characters. It shows women’s polygamic desire that have been considered as only men’s. The game’s multiple narrative system also brings new experiences to the player. In <Nameless>, there are five attractive male characters with different personalities and appearances, and a player can explore her own tastes and preferences by repeating the game and enjoying a new sequence of events. Add to this, it is important to point out that not all of the outcomes are ‘happy endings’ but are also ‘bad endings.’ Bad endings, which deviate from the typical romance narratives in various ways, show different types of desire and players can experience them indirectly. Thus, in Otome games female players can get more active meanings than in ordinary romance stories.

<네임리스>, 비주얼 노블, 서브컬쳐, 여성 게이머, 여성향 게임, 연애 시뮬레이션 게임, 체리츠, <Nameless>, visual novel, subculture, female gamers, Otome Game, dating simulation game, Cheritz



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