ISSN : 1738-3188
Among the various critical discussions of the 90s, the important things to check are ‘authenticity’ and ‘kitsch’. Authenticity is a concept derived from the concept of authenticity and validated based on self-justification. Kitsch is a concept that nullifies the hierarchy of real and fake. These two are completely contradictory. This paper doubts the fact that these two concepts became major criticisms of the 1990s. I tried to see how the ‘literaturism’ of the criticism of the 90s distorted the discussions of ‘postmodernism’. Postmodern literature has a social critical consciousness, but it does not aim to reveal such consciousness. In that sense, it is a departure from the mode of postmodernist literature that the criticism of the 1990s was to replace the authenticity of the ‘individual’ with the authenticity of the author or the critic’s ethics. Critics of the 1990s use postmodernism’s popularism as a means of identifying the new politics of literature in the 90s. Critics of the 1990s limited the politics of literature to aesthetics and strengthened the privileged authority of literature. Postmodern literature is not conscious of social criticism because the social criticism of literature no longer works. In the 1990s, critics must have considered other survival strategies in literature. The study of the criticism of the 90s is important at this point because Korean literature lies in a situation where the self-renewal of literature is urgently required. For the self-renewal of literature, it is essential to reflect on the 90s, when the autonomy of literature began to be discussed in earnest.
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