ISSN : 1738-3188
This research aims at examining the present of fusion historical dramas through a TV soap opera, <Husband for a hundred days> and discussing the narrative of this genre and external elements to be equipped. <Husband for a hundred days> tried to break from conventionality of fusion historical dramas by intensifying it. By comprehensively suggesting the history of conflicts repeated in existing dramas, it helped its viewers to concentrate on it easily. In addition, by setting a separate space from the secret strife in a palace while depicting it, it expressed romance between a man and a woman faithfully. Moreover, two individual riddles were given so that the narrative became rich. Furthermore, the social problems of remaining singles and the tyranny of the establishment were dealt with. Novelty was presented with the viewpoint of seeing the past through today’s perspective instead of seeing the present through the past; by trying to interpret modern culture in a way of Joseon, such as the figures reflecting the phases of the times and lines using newly-coined words and abbreviations. Therefore, the success of the drama contents lies not in breaking from customs but in thinking about what to change based on conventional characteristics. <Husband for a hundred days> can be evaluated to be a work that can be an idealistic model of this genre.
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드라마 홈페이지 기획의도(