ISSN : 1738-3188
Kim Chan-sam’s <世界一周無錢旅行記> was released in 1962. This was a time when the general public was strongly restricted from traveling abroad. Most of the people lived in ‘domestic’. Low development and political upheaval continued. The readership wanted a fantasy, which came out of a desire to escape from the peninsula. So was to become more popular around the popular characters called ‘Kim Chan-sam’. Kim Chan-sam had to be a pushover to the public. This figure had to be secular and de-politicized. Above all, ideological bias had to be removed. The book’s imaginary geography is the "world as a non-communist state" with a high purity. The Cold War ideology was prevalent throughout South Korean society. Kim Chan-sam knew exactly what he could and could not tell the South Korean reader. He couldn’t tell you the reality of my readers not being able to travel abroad. Not to mention a society locked up ‘domestic’ on the Korean reality. The study analyzes Kim Chan-sam’s storytelling strategy. Looking at the meaning of the travel fantasy,agenre of the 1960s, I would like to ask why travel writing in our time is still bound by its past limitations.
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