ISSN : 2287-8327
We monitored a breeding population of the Asian toad (Bufo gargarizans), in the Wonheunge pond at Sannamdong, Chungju, from 5 March to 11 April, 2006 and 14 February to 31 March, 2007 to investigate their movement patterns, breeding population sizes, and physical characteristics. Terrestrial migration to the pond started on 5 March in 2006 and 14 February in 2007. We captured a total of 266 immigrating individuals (213 males, 53 females) in 2006 and 307 (222 males, 85 females) in 2007, and found 50 adults apparently killed by motor vehicles while migrating to the pond in 2007. Emigration from the pond to terrestrial sites started on 15 March 2006 and 5 March 2007. We captured a total of 245 emigrating toads (181 males, 65 females) in 2006 and 99 (92 males, 7 females) in 2007. An additional 10 emigrating adults were found dead on the road. During both the immigration and emigration periods, two peaks in capture frequency appeared for each sex in each breeding season. The immigration peaks corresponded with higher temperatures, while the emigration peaks corresponded with high humidity. Migrating Asian toads showed sexual size dimorphism and a malebiased sex ratio. Body weights and SVL (snout-vent length) of immigrating and emigrating individuals were negatively related with migration dates.
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(2007) Received October 9 Accepted October 30,