ISSN : 2287-8327
The physiological effects of elevated CO2 concentration and temperature were examined for Quercus gilva and Q. glauca grown under control (ambient CO2 and temperature) and treatment (elevated CO2 and temperature) conditions for 39months. The objective of the study was to measure the long-term responses, in physiological parameters, of two oaks species exposed to elevated CO2 and temperature. The photosynthetic rate of Q. gilva was found to be decreased, but that of Q. glauca was not significantly affected, after long-term exposure to elevated CO2 and temperature. Stomatal conductance of Q. glauca was reduced by 21.7%, but that of Q. gilva was not significantly affected, by long-term exposure to CO2and temperature. However, the transpiration rate of the two oak species decreased. Water use efficiency of Q. gilva was not significantly affected by elevated CO2 and temperature, while that of Q. glauca was increased by 56.6%. The leaves of Q. gilva grown under treatment conditions had an increased C:N ratio due to their reduced nitrogen content, while those of Q. glauca were not significantly affected by long-term exposure to elevated CO2 and temperature. These results suggest that the long-term responses to elevated CO2 and temperature between Q. gilva and Q. glauca are different, and that Q. gilva, the endangered species, is more sensitive to elevated CO2 and temperature than Q. glauca.
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