Owing to changing work environment and increasing uncertainty, risk management in records management area is becoming more important to secure work legitimacy and to increase the value of information for future. While risk factors in traditional records management were mainly focused on the preservation function, those in current records management were directly coupled with those of overall work processes which produce, distribute, and utilize records because information technologies make the relationship between works and records closer. This study proposes a set of risk management factors and strategies in records management based on the overall risk management framework of ISO 31000. Moreover, ARMA's works areas and NIST's systems areas were applied to form the risk management processes in records management, and ISO's records management standards were used to suggest the checklists for the processes in both areas, especially with ISO TR 26122 for work processes, and ISO 16175-3 for the context of records.
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KS X ISO TR 26122 : 문헌정보-기록을 위한 업무과정 분석.
KS X ISO 16175-3 : 문헌정보-전자사무환경에서 기록에 대한 원리 및 기능요건-제 3부: 업무시스템의 기록관리지침 및 기능 요건.
KS X ISO 15489-1 제1부: 일반사항.
KS X ISO 15489-2 제2부: 지침.
ISO 31000: Risk Management - Principles and Guidelines.
ISO 30301: Information and Documentation - Management System for Records - Requirements.