Archives have historical and academic values. That is why the study of preservation conditions and the environment for the effective management of various records progress. However, materials such as paper and adhesives will inevitably cause biological damages. These damages spread into the inner side of archives, which would make it impossible to recover. For example, archival records from Malaysia and Oman are easily exposed to biological damage because of these countries' hot and humid climate. As such, once records are damaged, disinfection operations are customary in these areas. Methyl bromide (MeBr) and ethylene oxide (EtO) were used in the disinfection process as they showed good insecticidal effect. However their antibacterial effect are negligible. As such, the need for an environmental-friendly fumigator was evident. An environmental-friendly fumigator is designed to improve storage stability. Such equipment is expected to contribute to prevention of damages to cultural heritages through its use of vaporization technology, maintenance of a disinfection space (chamber), and self-generation of nitrogen.
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