본 연구는 InterPARES 3와 ITrust의 배경, 주요 연구분야, 주요 연구성과를 소개하고, IP 3와 ITrust 주요 연구내용의 비교분석을 통하여 InterPARES 프로젝트의 기록관리에 대한 개념 및 변화를 이해하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 IP 3와 ITrust 연구프로젝트에 대한 내용분석을 수행하였으며 이를 통해 주요 키워드를 도출하고, 연구프로젝트 제목을 워드클라우드로 도식화하여 IP 3와 ITrust 비교에 활용하였다. IP 3와 ITrust 연구결과를 환경, 범위, 주제, 키워드, 연구목표, 기록관리 생애주기관점에서 비교분석하였다. 연구결과 InterPARES는 1) 장기보존 뿐만 아니라 생애주기 전반에 적용될 수 있는 분야로, 2) 진본성의 개념에서 신탁의 개념으로, 3) 전자기록에서 인터넷, 디지털 포렌식, 열린정부 또는 공공데이터 등을 포함하는 범위로 연구의 내용과 주제가 광범위하게 확장되고 있음을 파악하였다.
This study aims to understand the concept and changes of the records management of InterPARES based on the analysis of background, main research interests, and major achievements of IP3 and ITrust. To this end, this study conducted a content analysis of IP3 and ITrust to drive main keywords. This study also utilized word clouds from IP project titles. In addition, a comparative analysis of IP3 and ITrust was conducted based on the environment, scope, core research areas, keywords, objectives, and record management life cycle perspectives. The research identified that InterPARES research was widely expanding the content and subject areas of the study: 1) to apply across the life cycle, as well as long-term preservation; 2) to focus on the concept of trust as well as the concept of authenticity; and 3) to include the concept of the Internet, digital forensics, and the open government along with electronic records.
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Andaur, G.. LA05-Open Data and Open Government in Latin America.
Barnard, A.. LA02-Policies for government records produced and maintained by IFAI.
Boel, J.. TR01-The Use of Cloud Services for Records Management in International Organizations.
Bonilla, E.. LA06-Email in Mexican Governmental Agencies-INAI.
Bunn, J.. EU19-The role of the records manager / records management in an open government environment in the UK.
Bunn, J.. EU28-User Perceptions of Born-Digital Authenticity.
Cai, Y.. AS06-Policies, legislation, regulations, and standards for RM in the cloud.
Cai, Y.. AS09-Digital Certificates in e-Government in China.
Callow, H.. (2009). Alma Mater Society of the University of British Columbia-Policies and Procedures for Web Site Preservation : Final Report. InterPARES.
Caravaca, M. M.. (2012). Design and Implementation of a Records Management System at ICCROM : Final Report. InterPARES.
Casellas, L-E.. EU06-Girona City Council in the Cloud : Analysis of e-Services between Public Administrations.
Chaterera, F.. AF03-Enterprise digital records management in Zimbabwe.
Childs, S.. EU17 - A Case Example of Public Trust in Online Records: The UK care.data Programme.
Cohen, F.. NA23-Sharing cyber-threats and events in cloud-based archives.
Cohen, F.. TR07-Inviolable Distributed Global Archives for Transnationals.
Croatia Team. EU24-Long-Term Preservation of Digital Print Masters in Croatia.
David, G.. EU26-Monitoring the Information Management Function in Hospitals in Portugal.
Demoulin, M.. NA14-Developing Model Cloud Computing Contracts.
Demoulin, M.. NA21-Model for a trusting hybrid records management of the statement.
Dingwall, G.. NA09-Establishing Retention and Disposition Specifications and Schedules in a Digital Environment.
Duranti, L.. Introduction to InterPARES.
Engvall, T.. EU11-Role of the Archivist and Records Manager in an Open Government Environment in Sweden.
Flinn, A.. EU19-The role of the records manager / records management in an open government environment in the UK.
Foscarini, F.. NA04-Putting the"Fun"back in"Functional".
Foscarini, F.. NA13-Patents, Petitions and Trust-From Traditional to Online Environment.
Franks, P.. NA05-Social Media and Trust in Government.
Franks, P.. NA06-Retention and Disposition in a Cloud Environment.
Goh, E.. (2013). Organizational Culture : Final Report. InterPARES 3 Project.
Groover, M.. (2012). Public Sector Audit Reports on Digital Recordkeeping : General Study Report. InterPARES 3 Project.
Guanyan, F.. AS10-Disclosure of Chinese Government Information.
Guercio, M.. Guidelines and Recommendations for E-Mail Records Management and Long-Term Preservation.
Guercio, M.. EU04 -Policies for Recordkeeping and Digital Preservation: Recommendations for Analysis and Assessment Services.
Hua, F.. AS05-Enterprise business records management in the cloud.
Inefuku, H. W.. (2010). Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery-Policies and Procedures for Acquisition and Preservation of Digital Art : Final Report. InterPARES 3 Projcet.
Jimĕnez, J. S.. (2012). The Protocol Register of Terrassa City Council : Case Study Report. InterPARES 3 Project.
Kalusopa, T.. AF04-Enterprise digital records management in Botswana.
Katuu, S.. TR03-Security Classification of Records in the Cloud in International Organizations.
Katuu, S.. TR04-Assessing Information.
Katuu, S.. AF01-Curriculum Alignments at Institutions of Higher Learning in Africa.
Klein, P.. NA19-International Reporting Program Creative Commons Content Archive.
Külcü, Ö. EU07-Evaluating Metadata Description Schemas of the Cultural Heritage Organizations in Electronic Environments for Interoperability.
Lacombe, C. R.. LA01-Preserving and managing records’ life-cycle in a multi-provenance government digital environment.
Lemieux, V. L.. NA07-Sensors in the Cloud.
Leverich, M.. NA03-Standard of Practice for Trust in Protection of Authoritative Records.
Liu, Y.. AS04-Responsibility Chain of Records Management and Preservation in Cloud for Local Governments in China.
Lysenko, V.. NA20-Role of Cyber Tools and Social Media in the Development of the Ukraine Crisis.
Makhlouf-Shabou, B.. EU29-Information Governance Maturity in EU Public Administration-Phase 1.
Makhlouf-Shabou, B.. EU30-Information Governance Maturity in EU Public Administrations-Phase 2.
McCausland, S.. Review and update of Digital Records Pathways : Topics in Digital Preservation Modules-Stage 1.
McLeod, J.. EU18-Economic Models for Cloud Storage.
Mclellan, C.. (2010). North Vancouver Museum and Archives-Policies and Procedures for the Preservation of Electronic and Digital Materials Acquired from Private Donors : Final Report. InterPARES 3 Project.
McLelland, R.. NA10-Contract Terms for Cloud-Based Record Keeping Services.
McLeod, J.. EU20-Economic Models for Cloud Storage Decision-Making.
Michetti, G.. NA22-Arrangement and Description in the Cloud.
Michetti, G.. TR05-Development of an ontology of functional activities for archival systems.
Mitchell, G.. TR02-IFRCjobs Case Study-A SaaS Recruiting Tool.
Moseti-Morara, I.. AF05-Enterprise digital records management in Kenya.
Nathan, L.. NA17-Plurality and Policy : Designing for Trust in the Digital Age.
Ngoepe, M.. AF02-Managing records in networked environments using EDRMS.
Oh, S.. AS01-Security Awareness of Record Managers in Korea.
Oliver, G.. AA01-Digital Preservation in the Cloud.
Oliver, G.. AA03-Dark Repositories as a Service.
Oliver, G.. AA04-Reinventing business and operating models for trusted archival services that accommodate both analog and digital records.
Oliver, G.. AA05-Trusted online access to distributed holdings of digital public records.
Oliver, G.. AA06-Encouraging records creating agencies to use and trust digital archiving.
Oliver, G.. AA08-The Impact of Access to Trusted Digitised Archives of Indigenous.
Oliver, G.. AS03-Trusted Certification Based on Long-Term Preservation of Digital Archival Resources.
Oliver, T.. AA02-User Perspectives of Trust.
Päivärenta, T.. EU14-ITrust and Benefits Realization Management.
Park, E.. (2012). Certified e-Document Authority(CeDA)-Policies, Procedures and Systems for Trusted Third Party Certification Authorities of Electronic Documents : Final Report. InterPARES 3 Project.
Park, E.. (2012). Examining the Criteria for Open Standard File Formats : Final Report. InterPARES 3 Project.
Park, E.. NA18-Assessment of Privacy-Preserving and Security Techniques for Records Management.
Pearce-Moses, R.. NA01-Core Terminology for InterPARES Trust.
Rogers, C.. (2013). Open-Source Records Management Software : Final Report. InterPARES 3 Project.
Rogers, C.. Appliction Profile for Authenticity Metadata.
Rozhneva, Z.. EU22-Personal Cloud : Regulation and Trust.
Scarpinetti, A. J.. (2012). Public Relations and Press Office of the State University of Campinas(UNICAMP)-Digital Photographic Records : Final Report. InterPARES 3 Project.
Schenkolewski-Kroll, S.. EU01-Reesearch of Retention and Disposition Processes in an Internet Website of the Government of Israel.
Serra, M.. (2012). The Preservation of Vital E-Records in Pompeu Fabra University(UPF)-collaboration with University of Girona(UdG) : Case Study Report. InterPARES 3 Project.
Shenkolewski-Kroll, S.. EU25-Using Web Analytics in Appraisal of Records on the Foreign Ministry of Israel Website.
Shepherd, E.. EU02-Open Government Data Literature Review.
Shepherd, E.. EU21-Recordkeeping Open Data and Privacy Literature Review.
Sheppard, A.. NA15-Identifying Privacy Concerns and Attendant Issues in Cloud Computing.
Soyez, S.. EU16-Model for Trustworthy Records Management of the Statement of Offence.
Stancic, H.. EU05-Models for Monitoring and Auditing of Compliance in the Flow from Registration to Archive in e-Register.
Stancic, H.. EU08-Ensuring Trust in Storage in Infrastructure-as-a-Service(IaaS).
Stancic, H.. EU09-Comparative Analysis of Implemented Governmental e-Services.
Stancic, H.. EU15-Analysis of the Interoperability Possibilities of Implemented Governmental e-Services.
Suderman, J.. NA08-Implications of Open Government, Open Data, and Big Data on the Management of Digital Records in an Online Environment.
Suderman, J.. NA11-Historical Study of Cloud-Based Services.
Sundqvist, A.. EU13-The Materiality of Records and Attributes of Trust.
Tennis, J.. NA16-Metadata, Mutatis Mutandis-Design Requirements for Authenticity.
The InterPARES Canada Team. (2007). UBC Graduate School of Journalism-Preservation and Access System for High Definition Digital Video Archive in Online and Electronic Formats : Case Study Report. InterPARES 3 Project.
The InterPARES Canada Team. (2010). Digital Preservation Cost-Benefit Models : General Study Report. InterPARES 3 Project.
The InterPARES Canada Team. (2010). International Standards Relevant to the InterPARES 3 Project: Final Report. .
Thibodeau, K. NA12 - Preservation as a Service for Trust (PaaST).
Tiurmenko, I.. EU12-Social and Ethical Foundations of Preservation of Digital Historical-Cultural Heritage.
University College London. EU03-Role of the Records Manager in an Open Government Environment in the UK.
Varlamova, L. N.. EU23-Contemporary studies of Records Management and Internet Archives in Russia.
Voutssas, J.. Records/Archives Appraisal in Latin America(including Spain) : Publication(Textos y contextos II, VIII, 2013).
Voutssas, J.. LA03-Regulations for Federal Public Administration(FPA)Cloud Data Storage.
Voutssas, J.. LA04-Records in the Cloud survey in Mexico and then beyond.
Xie, S.. (2012). Establishing a Recordkeeping System for Records with Unstructured data Utilizing Shared Drive : Final Report. InterPARES 3 Project.
Xie, S.. AS02-Ensuring Trustworthiness of the Agent of Public Trust in China.
Zhang, N.. AS08-Exploration of electronic records’ authenticity : social awareness.