The purpose of this study is to establish a classification system for the records of the Association for the Bereaved Families of the Hampyeong Massacre Victims. The content of the records is accordingly implemented through a functional source principle, and a classification table is presented in such a way that it reflects the characteristics by type and by production period so that the records can be used effectively. DIRKS, a methodology for the development of the functional classification system, is used to conduct a functional analysis of Hampyeong massacre victims’ families to derive a task classification table that leads to task function–work activity-handling actions. The category is determined by taking into consideration the type and nature of the time of the production of the records of the Hampyeong massacre victims’ families. The records are mapped according to the function classification system, which corresponds to the task classification table, and the multicategory system that drafts the type and period, which is used to classify the functions. The medical institution introduces a system for classifying records into task subjects, task activities, handling actions, types, and period.
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