The act was designed to identify the introductory cases of the use of quick response (QR) codes in records management by public institutions and propose measures to enhance users’ satisfaction with their work. This study looked at the definition of the QR codes and the user services that can be provided by the records depository and reviewed the introduction cases using the codes. The reason QR codes are used by records depositors is that public institutions currently have a single-person system that specializes in records management. With the number of employees and the number of records becoming more extensive, explaining the contents of all tasks accurately as well as other professional contents to employees who lack understanding of the records management life cycle is becoming more difficult. The introductory cases were divided into information on how to register nonelectronic records, information on location and history of important records and administrative museum, and education on standard records management. The research was conducted by dividing the research team’s “Records Management Guide” (QR code status) into experimental groups and control groups for officials of the Busan Metropolitan Government. There were significant differences in the level of satisfaction with records management guidance depending on whether or not QR codes were used. When the first and second surveys were compared in December 2017 and March 2018, the results of the first survey averaged 2.94, but the second survey showed high results at 3.75 and was statistically significant. This can be said to be more satisfactory by introducing QR codes than guidance provided by existing type. Although this research examines introductory cases of records management by public institutions using QR codes and user satisfaction, future tasks are to be applied to Records Management System and document production systems so that completion can be improved.
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