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A Case Study of the Effective Strategy Fostering Library-Assisted Instruction Based on the Fixed Schedule of Subject-Specific Classes

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2008, v.19 no.2, pp.165-186
Song, Gi-Ho
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The purpose of this study is to indicate a case that applied forming a instructional community-establishing instructional strategies-developing learning and assessment toolkits as a connective strategy between information literacy and curricula to foster the Library-Assisted instruction(LAI). In this case a new instructional community consisted of a teacher librarian, a korean language teacher, a korean history teacher and a korean geography teacher of the 10th grade. The community developed integrated learning topics connected with subject-specific classes and designed LAI's instructional strategy. Finally learning and assessment toolkits containing information problem solving and resources using model were designed by this community. This method can provide students with enough time in using resources and teach information literacy systematically. Also it will help teacher librarians improve leadership and partnership in the school community.

도서관활용수업, 협동수업, 학교도서관 교육, 정보활용능력, 통합 교육과정
