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A Study on Qualitative Improvement in the Information Services of University Libraries Through FISP

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2010, v.21 no.2, pp.159-170
Chung, Jin-Sik
Roh, Yoon-Ju
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A survey was conducted with 155 professors in 23 universities in Seoul. The survey investigated recognition and the present condition of FISP among those professors, the results of which were analyzed in terms of three aspects: recognition of FISP, utility and implementation of FISP, and FISP users' satisfaction and opinions. of professors, FISP users were most frequently using it to write a treatise, while non-FISP users failed to use it because they had no information of its existence. Both FISP and non-FISP users significantly favored implementation of FISP and showed very positive intention of using it.

예측정보제공, 대학도서관, 정보서비스 질적 향상, 정보 서비스 패턴, 고객관계관리
