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Comparative Study of Web Accessibility for Visually Impaired People in Scientific and Technical Retrieval System and Web Contents

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2010, v.21 no.3, pp.123-137
Park, Mi-Young
Ahn, In-Ja
Park, Hyei-Soo
Kim, In-Hee
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This paper evaluates web accessibility using an evaluative measure of K-WAH 3.0. It targets systems and contents in scientific and technological information, based on a guide for 'Internet Web Contents Accessibility 1.0'. The result indicates that web accessibility of informational system is lower than that of informational contents. Based on this fact, this paper identifies the main characteristics and differences of web accessibilities in informational system and contents, and discusses possible improvements. the result of the evaluation found the scientific system sites is more superior than contents sites in web accessibility. And the scientific system and contents sites except NDSL was lest 'understandable' and 'Robust' in observance. Therefore web page that should bring "easily understandable" and "reducing outstanding side effects" was required.

시각장애인, 과학기술정보, 웹접근성, 웹콘텐츠
